Preferred Mediums of Communication

Since at least my high school years, when it comes to mediums of communicating with people, I’ve strongly preferred communicating via Facebook, texting, and email than via any other medium. This is because I feel much more comfortable communicating via those three mediums than via any others, notably talking on the phone and video chatting. Plus, it’s also easier for me to communicate via Facebook, texting, and email than via other mediums.

This stems from real time communication, e.g. talking on the phone, video chatting, etc, being more difficult for me than non-real time communication, e.g. communicating via Facebook, email, etc. Something many people with Asperger’s Syndrome (like myself) have in common. With mediums like Facebook, texting, and email, I have more time to formulate a response. Also, in real time communication, I feel more rushed to respond when asked something, which can often lead to me having difficulty articulating my thoughts. This is partially (though not the main reason) why I tend to do more listening in gatherings with other people than talking. Unless a topic of interest comes up.

Experiencing less sensory input from other’s emotions is another reason I prefer the mediums of communication that I do. That’s not to say I don’t like it when people express their emotions. Far from it. I’m just more affected by other’s emotions than non-Asperger’s people.

Surveys for Two Upcoming Books

This might be worth contributing to. I will consider doing so myself, and I encourage our spectrum readers to give it some thought as well. We need to help each other move forward.


Dear spectrum world,

I could use your help…

For those of you who remember or know my first book, Asperger’s From the Inside-Out…, you’ll recall that I included a plethora of stories from other people on the spectrum. Not only did this make that book much better than it would have been without the stories of multiple spectrumites, but it also gave voice to those who contributed. Now contracted to write two more books, I think I’d have to be an idiot to do the new books any other way.

So if you’re on the spectrum, I’m asking for your experiences. And if you’re on or off the spectrum, I’m asking you to forward this email to as many sources as possible.

The two attachments below each contain a survey pertaining to each book.

Book #1 is about being unemployed when you are on the autism spectrum. I know that a…

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