Feeling sad and anxious

Feeling sad because one of my best friends and fellow authors here is having to move out of state very soon and I will be losing a fellow Aspie who loves foreign languages and linguistics as much as I do and shares the same passion for Japanese anime that I do as well.  I know he will be happy, because he will be moving to be closer to his online soulmate and fellow Aspie who is also his girlfriend.  But I can’t help feel personally depressed because his and her gain also entails my loss.  We’ll stay in touch via Facebook of course, but it’s not the same…

Also feeling anxious because I’m gunning for a promotion at work and I don’t know if I’ll get it or not.  It would be mostly a good thing if I did get it, but it would also mean leaving the comfortable rut I’m currently in.  It would mean learning a whole lot of new techniques and procedures, lots of homework, lots of library literature reading & study and then applying what I’ve read on the job day in, day out, trial and error.  All to the good but still formidable and anxiety-producing just to think about.

But at least I would cease being “under-employed” if the promotion is granted.  So at least there’s that.