Aspie Superpower: x-ray vision

I don’t mean that we can literally see through objects. (That part is a secret.) I mean that we can see through situations and social facades once we learn how to cognitively interpret a person’s unspoken language.  I think this is because our emotional detachment makes us objective, and we are able to analyze the situation more clearly than someone who is being affected on a more emotional level by the other person.

For example, when a person goes on about how his religion gives him hope and strength, we can generally see that the person is clinging for dear life to anything that makes them feel better.  We can tell that devoutly religious people are actually desperately unhappy and aware on some level that their beliefs are just made up, but they have all kinds of ways to trick themselves into going on with the farce that, on a conscious level, have them completely convinced that they really believe what they say they believe.  I’m sure there are religious aspies, but I would guess that the percentage of aspies that are atheists is much higher than the percentage of atheists in the general population.  I would even go so far as to say that many neurotypicals are incapable of breaking free from games of pretend that they play with each other in order to maintain their sanity on a day to day basis.

I’m not saying that all NTs are like that though.  I just think that aspies, for the most part, have an awareness of reality that doesn’t allow us to be swept away by glamour spells cast by people in the NT world.

3 thoughts on “Aspie Superpower: x-ray vision

  1. I definitely think there’s something about the Aspie brain that more rapidly cuts through bullsh*t and we tend to call bullsh*t when we see it, regardless of the (social) consequences. The kid in the “Emperor’s new clothes” fable was probably an Aspie kid 😉

  2. Seeing BS & calling it for what it is. It’s got me in trouble plenty of times. As I start out on the journey of finding out whether I’m Aspie I wonder whether that, along with a strong inclination towards rationalism, are Aspie bits of me.

  3. Pingback: The Emperor Has No Clothes | Being Aspergers

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